set nocompatible " Use vim defaults "set ls=2 " Always show status line set showcmd " Show incomplete commands set scrolloff=3 " Keep 3 lines when scrolling set ruler " Show the cursor position all the time set title " Show title in console title bar set hid " Change buffer without saving set showmatch " Show matching bracets set ts=2 " Numbers of spaces of tab character set sw=2 " Numbers of spaces to (auto)indent set et " Tabs are converted to spaces, use only when required set sts=2 " Soft tab stop set smartindent " Smart indent set autoindent set nocindent set wrap set hlsearch " Highlight searches set incsearch " Do incremental searching if has("autocmd") "au FileType cpp,c,java,sh,pl,php,python,ruby set autoindent "au FileType cpp,c,java,sh,pl,php,py,rb set smartindent au FileType cpp,c,java,sh,pl,php set cindent au BufRead *.py set cinwords=if,elif,else,for,while,try,except,finally,def,class au BufRead *.rb set cinwords=if,elsif,else,unless,for,while,begin,rescue,def,class,module "au BufRead *.py set smartindent cinwords=if,elif,else,for,while,try,except,finally,def,class "au BufRead *.rb set smartindent cinwords=if,elsif,else,unless,for,while,begin,rescue,def,class,module endif syntax on "set background=dark "hi Normal ctermfg=grey ctermbg=darkgrey hi PreProc ctermfg=magenta hi Statement ctermfg=darkYellow hi Type ctermfg=blue hi Function ctermfg=blue hi Identifier ctermfg=darkBlue hi Special ctermfg=darkCyan hi Constant ctermfg=darkCyan hi Comment ctermfg=darkGreen au BufRead,BufNewFile *.rb hi rubySymbol ctermfg=green
For more information about syntax highlight in vi, search for the README.txt file in
/usr/share/vim/vim72/colors (the 72 could be different)
To see the list of colors for all groups, type :highlight in vi
- Using Vim: Syntax Highlighting